Weekly Updates

Become a ONE TO ONE Volunteer Tutor and open the world of reading to a child!

Do you have 2 hours a week during school hours to read one-on-one with young students? The ONE TO ONE Children’s Literacy Program needs you. No experience is necessary, but you must have good English language skills. We provide free training and ongoing support.

The ONE TO ONE Children’s Literacy Program gives students the opportunity to practice their reading skills with a caring, patient adult. This one-on-one time increases their self-confidence, their reading fluency and comprehension, and their chance of meeting with success at school and in life.

Tutors read with 3 students for 30 minutes each at a local elementary school once a week, either morning or afternoon, for 12 weeks. They develop a relationship with their students and see them grow as readers. What a rewarding volunteer experience!

 2020 Training Sessions

Tuesday, January 28th

9:00 am - 12:00 noon


Wednesday, February 5th

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Sessions held at the Henry Grube Education Centre – 245 Kitchener Crescent

To register for a Training Session or for more information,
contact Cami at one2one.kamloops@gmail.com or 250.573.1785


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